Sunday, April 20, 2008

Welcome to the Show!

Let me introduce myself.

I am Bob Francis.

I write Comics.

In the following days, weeks, months, and years, I'll be posting comics I've written and let you know when and where to see them. I have the great fortune to be working on a pair of excellent projects, ORIGINAL SIN and TWILIGHT: VOICES OF THE DEAD, with two fantastic talents, Kelly Porteous and Robert Saunders, respectively.

Keep your eyes open, good things are coming.


Not My Real Name said...

I'll be sure to add this to my regular rotation, Bob.

Anonymous said...

This guy's a no talent hack!

I kid, I kid! Awesome blog, Bob. I'll be checking this regularly.

Bobby Timony said...

I added a link to your blog on my blog's link page!

Anonymous said...

Yay! You made another blog! :P
I'll keep checking this often, SF!
